How To Delegate To Improve Productivity

Learn How To Delegate Your Tasks for Optimal Productivity

The leader of any group is responsible for attaining team objectives. However, the team leader cannot accomplish it all by himself. Delegation exists for this reason.

Experts believe that delegating is critical for team and individual efficiency. According to a Gallup survey, CEOs who delegate appropriately generate 33% more income than those who do not. You must learn how to delegate successfully if you want to be a more productive leader.

What Is delegation?

Delegation entails entrusting others with responsibilities that are directly related to their and your roles. When you delegate, you offer someone, not just a duty to do, but also the authority to make judgments for which you will ultimately be held accountable.

improve productivity learn to delegate

Because only superiors may delegate to their teams, authority is a crucial term in the delegation. As a manager, you can assign activities that no longer contribute to your professional development but will benefit another team member’s development. Discipline, performance reviews, and dispute resolution among employees are all tasks that should not be delegated.

Some managers are hesitant to delegate because they are afraid that team members would lack the necessary abilities. They do not always trust their personnel to work without supervision. Managers should not be afraid of delegation; all they need is an efficient mechanism for allocating work and tracking responsibility.

Reasons to delegate

Some people are hesitant to delegate because they do not want to be viewed as abdicating their responsibilities. Others believe that their team cannot perform the task as well as they can. Whatever your reservations are, here are some reasons why you should consider delegating.

Reduces manager’s workload

The most obvious advantage of delegating is the ability to lessen your burden. Managers frequently have a lot on their plates. Negotiating with clients, authorizing firm operations, project and personnel management, planning and strategy, and so on. They can delete certain things from their to-do lists by delegating.

You may delegate items on your to-do list to others while making time for other important chores. It allows you to slumber well and focus on other crucial duties. This is an easy method to boost your productivity as a team leader or manager.

Employee empowerment

Employees can significantly benefit from delegating. It forces individuals to take on projects outside of their comfort zone and gain the abilities required to do them. They build talents above their pay grade by consistently participating in such jobs. These abilities assist employees in developing the capacity to advance to senior-level roles.

Many firms consider delegation to be a component of their employee empowerment programs. They feel it broadens employee experience, leading to improved customer service and innovation.

Build a stronger team

Delegation demonstrates to workers that you believe in their ability and respect their judgments. When subordinates believe you trust their judgment, they become more engaged and devoted.

Delegation done correctly guarantees that workers actively engage in the delegation process. They are more ready to work if they believe they have a say in critical choices determining the assignment of their duty. This is because they will not feel as though the management merely dumped its responsibilities on them.

How to delegate

Delegation is more than simply allocating duties to others. “Strategically delegating” involves delegating with foresight and strategy in order to maximize on possibilities.

Many criteria must be considered before you can be certain that you have the correct work for the right individual. Here are some key delegation guidelines.

Consider strengths

Managers frequently make the mistake of allocating to the person with the smallest workload. Other times, they just delegate to a favorite employee or someone who is unlikely to dispute the additional effort. Delegating in this manner does not provide the full benefits.

Each member of your team has both strengths and shortcomings. Such are their job growth interests, present skill level, and capacity to learn. Consider all of this while delegating to ensure that the proper person receives the right assignment. If you provide work that simply plays to an employee’s shortcomings, they may struggle and slow down production.

Explain the goals

It is critical to explain to the team member why they have been assigned the assignment. You will explain how the delegation will benefit both the employee and the firm. An employee who realizes that assigned duties are intended to aid with capacity growth and career progress will work hard to complete the assignment.

Never skip instructions

There is no task so basic that you should presume instructions are unnecessary. It is critical to include thorough instructions with each task. Be specific about timeframes, expected outcomes, and so on. Employees lack the essential guide to create effective outputs when they are not given instructions.

You may need to go above and beyond the guidelines at times and demonstrate certain talents. It is a natural element of the delegating process and should be viewed as a long-term investment.

Provide resources and power

When you assign a task, be sure you give the appropriate resources and power. The individual you’ve delegated must have the necessary tools and decision-making authority to execute their assignment.

Maintain easy communication

Establish an open line of communication between you and your team members. That way, people may readily contact you for clarification or advice when they need it. You should be able to get regular progress reports and offer input through the communication channel.

Give credit

Employees gain from delegation but keep in mind that the responsibilities were originally yours. That is why it is critical to express thanks following each successful completion of a given assignment. Give credit where credit is due. Aside from being the rational thing to do, it also assures that you have eager hands available for future delegation.


Delegation helps you to gradually increase the capacity of your team. When you wish to assess productivity, it allows you the freedom to engage in the things that are important to you.



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