Catnip Plant Care Tips

catnip Nepata garden

Five catnip plant care tips from

If you want to incorporate a catnip plant into your garden or yard,
Whether for landscaping or a friendly cat, you’re in luck, because Catnip is an easy plant to look after.
Firstly, it is essential to focus on two different ways: The Nepeta cataria is the best known,
because it is the type that cats are primarily attracted too.

A second variety, Nepata mussinnii, is sometimes called Catnip, and it is not so attractive to cats.

Some useful information that you should know about catnip care and maintenance.

1. characteristics of the plant Catnip is a so-called herbaceous perennial plant that is grown in North America.
It is a plant that survives more than two years and has stems and leaves that die or fall off.
Plant levels at the end of the growing season. It can reach a size of about 3×3 feet and produce small white flowers.
They have stems that are mostly square and resemble many other plants from the coin and weed families. Catnip is considered an invasive plant. Nepeta mussinnii, in particular, is known for its distribution and forms an excellent ground cover plant.
Catnip is not only pleasant for cats, as it also gives off a pleasant scent in the human nose.

2. sun, moisture and planting Catnip is such a versatile plant that it is drought resistant.
Grow the plant in spring or early summer. You can plant it directly in the sun or a semi-shaded area.
It thrives best in alkaline soil or soil with a pH above seven, but generally, it will also thrive in poor soil.

However, if you have heavy, loamy soil, add limestone to it to increase its alkalinity.
To plant, dig a hole that is as deep as the plant container is wide. However, make sure that the hole is twice as wide or more.
Next, remove the plant from the planter, insert the plant roots into the hole and fill it with soil.

3. Watering and fertilizing. Water the plant thoroughly immediately after planting and repeat this twice per week for the first few weeks. After that, you should resume watering every fortnight, although temperatures will vary.

You can set whether it is very high or hot. Catnip requires little fertilizer.
If you do use fertilizer, use a water-soluble flower fertilizer for a fortnight.

During the autumn and winter, do not fertilize it, as it is useless for the plant and will be wasted.

4. care and harvest To obtain the best structured and shaped plants, cut them off during growth,
and they will become denser. You may be wary of cats damaging the plant, it is best to fence or partition to protect it. For harvesting, you must wait until flowering. Late morning or noon is the best time for harvesting, as a dry, sunny day is best and the dew will have dried.

Cut the plant at the base, turn it upside down and hang it in a dark and clear place that is as dry as possible.

5. zoning catnip can be grown in zones three to nine

catnip Plant Flowering

A guide to growing catnip to harvest

I love to share my gardening knowledge with the readers so that they too enjoy the wonders of all kinds of green plants.

In this guide, you will find what you need to know about growing, harvesting and drying the beloved favourite of the big cats, catnip. Wylie, CC-BY-2.0, about Flickr Catnip (Nepeta cataria)
was first discovered in Europe, but has since spread to the rest of the world by intrepid researchers.

While many see it as a weed, a potentially invasive weed, others see it as
Cash Crop or as an excellent pollinator for them.

As a highly aromatic member of the mint family, catnip has many uses: in homoeopathic medicine, as a
powerful bee attractant, as an insect repellent, and it is of course also known worldwide for being attractive to cats.

Sometimes it is also called “catnip”, but I prefer the term for this, the most aromatic plant in
whole Nepeta group to be catnip.
It is not the prettiest member of the family, but it is the most potent because it contains higher amounts of a
A substance called nepetalactone.

In this article, we will discuss how catnip is planted, grown and harvested, and give advice on
how their allelopathic, homoeopathic and pollinating properties can be used.

Although many consider it a weed, the beautifully flowering catnip can have many uses in allelopathy, homoeopathy and pollination. Self-tips for planting your catnip I have a north-facing garden which gets minimal winter sun because of the mountain behind me. However, winter conditions have very little importance for a challenging, summer-flowering plant-like catnip. In winter it rests and can easily survive icy weather, strong wind, frost and snow. I have planted a catnip plant in full shade. It grew, it bloomed. It may not have grown as big as some of those in full sun, but it has developed well. I also planted a few in a dry bed next to a stone wall that only got partial sunlight, and I didn’t water them. They still grew quite big and bloomed. Those I planted in full sunshine did exceptionally well, but they also grew with thicker stems, and I’m not sure whether that’s good or bad. These thicker stems also had more spreading leaves and giant flowers. The catnip plants performed worst in pots, whether in full sun or sun/shade.

Despite the frequent watering during the hottest weather, I have the feeling that catnip ideally be planted in the ground,
and in a space where its roots can spread far and wide.
Shadows, penumbra, drought or available irrigation do not seem to worry them too much.

What they want is space to grow in the soil. Plant at a distance of about 18″ to give them space.

My adorable catnip border. Self-growing catnip from cuttings Oh, it’s so easy.
If you have a friend or neighbour where catnip grows, and you have access to a cutting, this very easily either in a glass of water or by placing it directly in the ground. remove a piece of the stem
which is at least 2″ high, remove the lower leaves and put them in water.

It will sprout roots in no time, and then you can either pot them or put them in the ground.


We remove the lower leaves so that it does not dry out too much. I am pretty sure that catnip is grown from seeds bought in shops.
I followed the instructions on my pack of catnip seeds bought in the shop, and it was said to sow them thinly on the compost.

Then she suggested cutting them out when they were big enough to be processed into individual pots and then planting them.
Out when all danger of frost was over. I did all this, except that I started planting in late summer and just as winter was about to arrive. Most of them survived, amazingly enough.

All Nepetas are perennial, so they die in winter and reappear in spring.
Nevertheless, we had a surprisingly mild winter this year.

If you try to breed them, I have learned that catnip has an excellent germination rate. From one package had about 200 seeds, I got 200 plants.
To layer self-growing new catnip plants from their seed heads or not, that is the question.

In natural conditions, the catnip seeds would be scattered by the wind, find a place to settle down and walk through the winter.
Before deciding to sprout in spring. The net is uncertain whether it needs a cold period or not but suggests that they should spend at least one day in the freezer to successfully germinate them.

The thought is that unfrozen seeds take longer to germinate. I will conduct experiments and update this with my results.
Whether you grow from seed or a cutting, catnip will pierce the ground as soon as it gets warmer in spring. You may have planted a stem, but catnip raises many more. You want to plant them at least 12″ apart.

Because as soon as they grow outside in their natural environment, they become tremendous, bushy plants.
If you had them as indoor plants, you would notice how you have held them back, because their outdoor growth will be phenomenal by comparison. They will be in full bloom at the height of summer or even earlier when the weather is favourable.

They have an extended flowering period of at least two months during which they will attract many people.
Pollinators in your garden. Little by little, as the seed heads develop, the whites of their flowers fall off, and the pollinators continue to show great interest. When kept as an indoor plant, Nepeta cataria flowers continuously.

As soon as you remove a flower, the plant will immediately replace it. It can happen if you live in a warm climate.
Commercial growers choose this short period between the full development of the seed head and the death of the leaves. You can harvest
You can remove their leaves at any time, and some people recommend harvesting the flowers as soon as they appear.

But you do not have to harvest everything. Leave some stems and some seed heads.
Cut off what you take with you to leave at least one stem nodule on the plant. You can almost to the lower end of the stem. Collect the stems in bundles so that they are not too close together and hang, put them upside down in a dark, cool place – or at least in a place without direct sunlight.

Leave them there until they are dehydrated. Try to break a stem and see if it breaks cleanly or not.
It should break like a twig. If it does not, leave it there for a longer time. Seeds can be collected by tying the paper
bags over the flower heads or you can cut the flowers and put them in something like a muslin
Laundry bags – in which they can be hung to dry, leaving all seeds intact.

This catnip is just drying so that I can distil it into an essential oil.
Self-preparation Dried catnip Nepetalactone, the active ingredient of catnip, is highest in the flowers, then in the leaves,
and finally in the stems. Some say there is nothing at all in the stems, but I am pretty sure I can smell it there too,
in smaller quantities. How you refine your dried catnip depends on how you want to use it.

If it is for catnip tea or your cat’s pleasure, you will want to remove the leaves and flowers from the stems.
If it is for distilling dried catnip for its essential oil, you will also want to remove the stems, but you will then have to chop them up. Catnip essential oil is an expensive product to buy because the yield of catnip is meagre. From dried catnip, about 0.3% of any weight can be obtained.

Nevertheless, scientists are very interested in the product, because according to their research, pure catnip.
Essential oil is more effective than DEET under laboratory conditions to repel mosquitoes. Steam distillation is the most common way of obtaining the essential oil of catnip. You must have or be able to have access to this oil,
either a glass distillation kit or a still like mine. Here is a view of my copper distillation pot, which I used for
Distillation of essential oils.

Homemade catnip in allelopathy One of the elements that attracted me most to growing catnip is its tendency for the identification of allelopathic tendencies. (Yes, I had to google it too. Dedicated gardeners are not expected to scientific terms that no one else but the scientists use). Allelopathy means the ability of plants suppresses the growth of others. It is true that the roots of one plant communicate with the roots of another plant. Catnip plants suppress weeds.

They do not do so as long as they are small and have a small root system. But when grown, and it becomes a
Power struggle for space, catnip wins. I have witnessed this around my garden.

I hope farmers take note of this and plant their pollinator-growing catnip plants at least a metre away from their crops.
Homemade catnip as a homoeopathic medicine
In addition to allelopathy, nepeta cataria has been used in homoeopathy for centuries for several applications,
including: as a relaxant, to calm down stomach upset, to stimulate sweating, to trigger menstruation, to cure diarrhoea
to increase appetite and relieve the symptoms of colds and cancer.

growing Fields

All farmers should grow catnip on the edges of their fields because bees come in all forms,
I have never had so many bees in my garden since growing Nepeta cataria in high numbers. I almost have the feeling that I should call the green bee rescuers to let them know.

The planet relies on bees, and we are told that insecticides are killing them. Yet I believe that they are all in my garden this summer. Your harvest must attract the bees, even as a home gardener and catnip will do that for you.
And yet it repels other insects.

The ones I was able to plant out in time have grown significantly,
but those who stayed at home saw that I had the most insect-free kitchen ever.
And I slept well at night after breathing in its fumes all day.

Since bees love catnip, the plant is an excellent pollinator.
Even the effect of catnip on cats I have two cats, both siblings. Neither of them reacts to catnip at all.
Although in some ways this was a big disappointment for me because I love to watch cats react.

It’s good for me too, because it means that I can grow as much catnip as I want. I have already learned that several of my neighbour’s cats react strongly to this, So I have the beginnings of a company.
Note on pink catnip: A number of my catnip seedlings turned pink when I planted them in the garden.

Over time they turned green, but some turned red again as their seeds began to ripen.


Grow your own catnip plant 

Growing Plants
Grow your catnip plant A catnip plant is a perennial herb also known as
Cat herb and catnip because it is a member of the coin family. It’s notched triangular
Leaves and small flowers give this plant an unmistakable appearance.

Planting, care and use of hardy catnip

The plant lasts typically two years.
Catnip is native to the Middle East, Central Asia and parts of China and Europe.

Partly because of its popularity, catnip now grows throughout North America.
It thrives in many places and is often found along roadsides, field margins and streams.
No products were found. Cultivating a catnip plant While some people prefer catnip because of its stimulating
Effect on cats, others breed them to attract butterflies, which in turn support the pollination process.

It is the scent of the plant that is attractive to both butterflies and bees.
However, it is not so attractive to humans. Some have described its smell as a combination of oregano and thyme,
and by others as somewhat bizarre. Interestingly, rats and mice are repelled by the catnip plant.
When to plant The catnip plant is a versatile herb that can be grown from seeds or plants, indoors or outdoors,
and in containers or the ground. Catnip is usually planted in spring after the last predicted frost.

However, some gardeners prefer to plant the herb earlier in the year in indoor containers and then transplant it.
Catnip is an incredibly hardy plant that is easy to grow. For this reason,
Gardeners who plant this herb are advised to ensure that it does not take over all neighbouring plants.

One way to do this is to place a five-gallon bucket up to the edge in the garden. Fill the bucket with a rich
Clay and plant the seeds of catnip. This herb blooms in spring, summer and autumn, with small flowers which are available in white, blue, pink and lavender shades. I

T is supported by a square handle and can reach up to 5 feet in height.

How to care for the plant For best results, bury your catnip seeds an eighth of an inch below the ground surface,
and place the seeds at least 15 inches apart. Cover young plants with wire mesh if they curious cats and other animals.

However, the catnip plant prefers fertile, well-draining soil and full sun,
this herb can also thrive in partial shade. Although catnip needs a moderate water supply, it tolerates drought after it has established itself. Indeed, catnip grown in soil that is too wet can suffer from crown rot.
Catnip can also thrive in hydroponics, a technique in which the plants do not grow in soil but a nutrient-rich liquid solution.

The catnip plant’s aroma is more robust when it is grown using the hydroponic method and when grown in sandy soil. Catnip, which is grown indoors, thrives under fluorescent lighting or plant growth lamps.
It is best not to soak the plant thoroughly until the soil is almost dry. You will get a stronger
Houseplant if you use an oscillating fan for at least two hours a day. You can expect your catnip seeds to sprout
within ten days in warmer soils, 20 days in colder soils Once your catnip plants are about 5 centimetres high,
Thin them out so that they grow 18 centimetres apart.

When and how to harvest
It is acceptable to cut back the catnip in early summer as this is the best time of year for harvesting the stems. Pinch off damaged tips of the stems so that the catnip can grow healthier. You can start harvesting your catnip 12 to 15 weeks after sowing.
If you cut off your catnip entirely after the first flowering, you can let the plant grow again and flower again.

To dry your catnip, you can use a drier or hang the stems in small bundles in a warm and airy place.
Once the catnip has dried, it should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.
Some do it to teach shy cats to play, while others spray it on toys to get their pets to use it.

Catnip can also be sprayed on scratching posts to encourage cats to use it. Catnip is primarily used to give cats a feeling of euphoria or complete happiness. The content of catnip contain nepetalactone, an oil which, when inhaled by a cat, causes a chemical reaction that intoxicates cats. However, when eaten, catnip acts as a sedative.

Catnip is often used to reduce the stress levels of cats in shelters and veterinary clinics,

These behaviours can also be observed in big cats, leopards, pumas and jaguars.

Catnip is good for scratching brushes and toys, sprays, pellets and loose leaves.
Concerning our consumption, catnip can be drunk as tea. Only 50 to 75 per cent of cats are driven crazy by catnip.

Kittens are usually only susceptible to catnip at the age of several months, while many older cats lose interest in the herb completely.

Cats have a preference for one brand of catnip over another.

Many cats play with the herb for about 10 minutes before they feel olfactory fatigue and lose interest. Olfactory fatigue,
or nose blindness is a common

It takes less than two hours for cats to become receptive to the stimulating effects of catnip.
Catnip is safe for cats. Cats are unlikely to overdose or come to any harm on catnip, but if a cat has too much of the herb, it can vomit and get diarrhoea. These symptoms subside over time. Anyway,
It is recommended that cats showing these symptoms are not re-exposed to catnip.
Cats should only be exposed to catnip maybe twice a month to prevent dependence. Identify other uses of catnip.
Despite its name, catnip is not only for cats.

As a variety of the mint family, the plant has a mint flavour and can be used to flavour salads, cooked dishes and fruity wines. Catnip has also been candied and used as a dessert. The taste of the herb is not the only benefit people can get from catnip. It contains minerals and vitamins as well as organic compounds that support a healthy lifestyle. Some people add camomile, mint or lemon balm to catnip because the herb helps them relax and cope with stress. Catnip has also been used by many animals to reduce nervousness and promote restful sleep. Another outstanding property of catnip is its ability to repel mosquitoes, cockroaches, blackflies, termites, deer ticks, stable flies and other insects. You rub a handful of catnip leaves on your skin to protect yourself from vermin. Some people add dried catnip leaves to the potpourris. In combination with other aromatic herbs, catnip gives a fragrance that is widely regarded as pleasant. The ability of the catnip plant to repel insects has been documented. Less proven are the medicinal properties of the herb.

Among the complaints treated with the dried leaves and flowering tops of the plant are the following:
respiratory and stomach problems swelling and hives diarrhoea and colic intestinal cramps and indigestion
Loss of appetite and insomnia Colds and cancer. Also, teas containing catnip leaves can act as sedatives in humans.

They can also help with insomnia, nausea and toothache. Some people who have used catnip as medicine have experienced headaches and general weakness. However, catnip is widely known as a stimulant for cats; it can also affect canines. The herb intoxicates cats and causes a brief high in them, but it has very different effects on dogs. When ingested by a dog, it can act as a sedative. People recommend
Sprinkle fresh catnip leaves in a dog’s water bowl or put a tiny amount in a dog’s food.

It is used to relieve stress, treat insomnia and alleviate motion sickness in dogs.
Catnip has also been used in dogs to promote urinary health, reduce cramping and diarrhoea, and relieve menstrual cramps,
and to help treat cuts and scratches. Some gardeners breed catnip exclusively for its pleasant appearance. For example,
a variety of the herb grows up to one metre high and spreads quickly, making it ideal as ground cover.

This content is accurate and correct to the best of the author’s knowledge and belief and is not intended to replace for formal and individual advice from a qualified professional. © 2020



The post Catnip Plant Care Tips appeared first on Catnip Utopia.

The post Catnip Plant Care Tips appeared first on GQ Central.



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