Caring For House Cats

Caring for house cats

Keeping cats indoors. Pets can be a wonderful addition to anyone’s life and are particularly nice for those who live alone.

However, some people selfishly keep large pets in small apartments for their own reasons without considering how such a life affects the pet. In many cases, smaller pets are better suited to apartment living. Caring for pets can be one of life’s greatest joys, particularly for those who live alone or don’t have children. It is commonly thought that having a pet such as a cat around the house can help reduce stress and improve emotional well-being. According to some sources, keeping pets can even reduce serious health risks, like the risk of heart attack or stroke, by helping to keep stress levels low.

Tango’s place
tango’s place is the RSPCA act’s five-star cat boarding facility. Located at the RSPCA in Weston creek, tango’s place provides a safe, temperature-controlled, welcoming environment for your feline friend. We provide very large rooms which are able to house up to three of your cats and there is plenty of space to play, relax, and exercise with high perching shelves and steps for less able cats. Best of all your cats have company for all working hours with our caring, cat-loving staff who will socialise, play, and give cuddles.

Indoor cats are actually busier than we may think. They’ll typically cover the entire area of a house or apartment each day (or often at night). You can make this daily routine even more fun by hiding food and treats around the house. You can also use a variety of toys to help your cat practice hunting and get the exercise they need. Providing enrichment is an important part of caring for most pets. Experiment with different types of cat toys like wands, balls, and scratching posts to give your pet variety in their day. Playtime is quality time, and it can go a long way in the health of your cat!.

Keeping Cats Indoors

Choose a specially-formulated indoor cat food

If you are buying a pedigree cat then there will be associated costs and these may be quite large. Pedigree kittens usually come vaccinated and in some cases already neutered. If you are getting a cat from a rescue organisation then they may ask for a donation or a fee and again it will probably come already neutered and vaccinated. Kittens or cats from friends or neighbours don’t usually come neutered or vaccinated, wormed, treated for fleas or anything else and it will be up to you to register with a vet and get these things done.

Neutering is obviously a one-off cost, but several vaccinations will be required to make sure that a kitten is protected from infectious diseases; thereafter a regular booster vaccination will help to protect it during its life (requirements depend on the cat’s lifestyle and risks associated with that – your vet can advise you).

Most cats love to spend time outdoors. They experience a great deal of mental and physical stimulation. Cats in the wild experience weather changes, move around to find food and water, interact with other animals, and mark their territory. Their lives are enriched by complexity, unpredictability, and choice; and they exert a degree of control over their lives. However, the big wide world is a dangerous place for domestic cats. Here at Gungahlin veterinary hospital, we see numerous cases of cats who have been in fights and suffered injuries and infections, who get hit by cars or get bitten by snakes. Cats outdoors also hunt and may annoy other people, for example by stalking aviary birds or toileting in their yard.

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How do Cats catch Ticks and Fleas?

Very similar to the ragdoll cat is the ragamuffin; a large, long-haired cat. Their hair doesn’t tangle, which makes it easy to check if they have fleas or ticks. However, this very sweet cat does not like to venture outside, so it is unlikely to catch diseases this way.

Michelle* in Adelaide says her family give their two cats supervised outdoor time in their yard. “we let them outside several times a day,” she says. “we will stay out for about 20 minutes and then we just shake the bowl of cat biscuits and they come running back. “dr malik says it’s important if you’re letting the cat have access to outdoors to think about what dangers are out there — could a dog get in? will they be exposed to fleas and paralysis ticks? do other cats go through your yard, potentially exposing them to diseases?.

Lower chance of catching diseases from other cats such as the untreatable and fatal feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv) – the cat equivalent of aids. Lower chance of catching fleas or worms from vermin. They will be less anxious because they will be confident in their surroundings without fear of being attacked by another cat. No chance of being killed by a car. No chance of any unplanned pregnancy in cats that aren’t neutered. No chance of being attacked/killed by another animal.

Exercise for your cats

If your cat lives indoors, they are likely to get less exercise than their outdoor counterparts. This is because outdoor cats will spend much of the day climbing and hunting, whereas indoors cats have less opportunity to do so. If your cat doesn’t get an adequate amount of exercise, they are more at risk of putting on unwanted weight. An overweight cat is more likely to have weight-related health conditions. To help your house cat stay active, make sure you play with them regularly, and encourage games that involve running, pouncing and chasing. Additionally, ensure that their food portions are suitable for their activity levels.

Cats usually keep their claws in good shape by scratching tree trunks or fence posts. As well as ensuring their claws are trim, cats naturally scratch to exercise the muscles in their paws and to leave their scent, so it’s a basic and natural need. The indoor cat will scratch your furniture and carpets if a scratching post or area is not provided. Most cat trees have numerous scratch posts within their design and there are trees of every shape and size that can fit discretely into any décor.

Please don’t fall for the “fresh air and sunshine” fallacy. Hundreds of thousands of cats live out long and perfectly happy lives as indoors-only cats, as long as they get the exercise they need through interactive play with a human parent. There are safe alternatives, depending on your apartment arrangement. You can screen off a balcony (with the landlord’s permission), or you can train your cat to walk on a leash for outdoor excursions.

10 tips to keep your cat happy indoors

More cat parents are choosing to keep their feline friends indoors, so how can you ensure they are getting the physical and mental stimulation they need to be happy and healthy? our resident cat behaviourist Anita Kelsey explains. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a garden for their cat to play in, or easy access to the great outdoors from a window or ledge, especially in large cities. It’s also a well-known fact that most people with pedigree cats keep them exclusively indoors, which many cats can find frustrating.

The bottom line is most cats can be totally happy living indoors – but owners need to put in the effort to provide for their environmental and behavioural needs. But a 2019 survey with more than 12,000 respondents found many Australian cat owners are not adequately providing for their indoor cats, especially when it comes to toileting and feeding. This may lead to a range of health and welfare issues, such as obesity and related diseases, behavioural problems and urinary tract disorders.

My first cat was a housecat in a flat for the first 18 months of her life. I moved house successive times and she became a happy indoor/outdoor cat, then turned herself back into an indoor cat as an old lady. She was perfectly happy. I say it depends on the cat itself. The indoor/outdoor debate is rather contentious. But if you want to adopt a rescue, you could explain your circumstances – many rescue cats are rehomed on an indoor-only basis. A lot of cats are quite happy to potter about indoors – we have three indoor/outdoor cats at the moment, and one of them is a real wuss about going outside! if you do have indoor cats, you do need to play with them to keep them exercised, and a cat tree is brilliant: great deals on cat trees and scratching posts at zooplus: cat tree Athena.

cat playing on cat post platform

How to keep your indoor cat happy and healthy

These are the indoor cat litter products we swear by to keep our cat happy, our home clean and our workload minimal.

Having access to the outside world is the best way to allow a cat to do all of these things, but when it’s not possible for cats to exercise these natural behaviours outside, they will need an alternative way of doing so inside. Cats who aren’t given the opportunity to act in their natural way will not only become unhappy, but it is likely they will develop behavioural problems too. For these reasons, the blue cross does not recommend keeping cats as indoor-only house pets, unless there is a really good reason why the particular cat should be confined inside.

When your cat is at home snoozing on the sofa, eating contentedly or cosying up for a snuggle, it’s hard to imagine they are anything but blissfully happy. All of their animal welfare needs are being covered, as far as you are aware. You also love them dearly and would be very upset if you thought there was anything causing upset in their lives. On the other hand, you may see your cat seeming agitated. Even if they do show you affection, there may be other times where they hide in a dark place or run from your attention without any discernible reason why they should do so. The reasons for this are myriad, but one which can be tricky is that they are a cat with a personality not well suited to indoor living.

Could you let your cat outside?

The Siamese cat is a sophisticated breed that originated in Thailand, hence the name (siam being the old name for Thailand). They are perhaps one of the most recognisable breeds thanks to their colouring which is typically a light coloured coat with dark ‘points’, points being ears, feet, tails and faces. They’re also known for their love of talking. They are incredibly vocal and will talk to you throughout the day whether you want to listen or not.

Many cats live outside as well as inside, but in some circumstances, an owner may need to keep their cat inside. This could be due to illness, individual differences, or even lifestyle constraints – such as living on the third floor, without any outside access. Cats can live indoors very happily, particularly if they’ve been inside since they were kittens, but they do have some particular requirements. As they don’t have access to the outdoors, owners should ensure their indoor cats are stimulated and still lead an active lifestyle.

On the other hand, you may see your cat seeming agitated. Even if they do show you affection, there may be other times where they hide in a dark place or run from your attention without any discernible reason why they should do so. The reasons for this are myriad, but one which can be tricky is that they are a cat with a personality not well suited to indoor living. Cats have a range of personalities which are generally put into five categories, according to cat behaviour researcher Lauren finka.

Common problems of indoor cats

Cystitis is another painful cause of cats urinating outside the box. It is caused by crystals forming in the bladder, which make urinating extremely painful. Immediate treatment is necessary for cats that get cystitis. It isn’t surprising that urinary tract problems are a very common cause of cats being taken to the veterinarian. Cats need acidic urine for urinary tract health. The ph of cat food has a direct relationship here. Although the higher range may vary under certain circumstances, the expert consensus seems to be from 6. 0 to 6. 5. (the lower the ph, the more acidic the urine. ) a ph above this range can lead to the growth of struvites (magnesium ammonium phosphate crystals). A ph is lower than 6.

Munchkin cats are by far the UK’s most expensive breed, with average costs of just over £900. Because this type of cat can develop health problems if bred incorrectly, there are a wide variety of expenses throughout the breeding process, which increases the amount that you can expect to pay. According to stickee data, correct as of March 2020
shorthair white is the UK’s most affordable cat. Since they’re mixed breeds, they’re much more common and therefore far less expensive than pedigree breeds.

Adding another indoor cat to a household where you already have one or more indoor cats is likely to cause problems. Cats like to have their own territory in which to live their daily lives of both exploring and relaxing, and they tend to want to do these activities on their own. Where multiple cats live in the small area of a house or flat, the space available to each cat is limited, and that’s when conflict can occur. Cats become easily stressed when they don’t have their own space, and you are likely to see problem behaviour such as spraying and scratching, and aggression towards each other becomes more likely.

cat playing on cat post platform

Stop your cat spraying and soiling in the house

A beautiful and playful cat, the Maine coon is the official cat of Maine, where they are well-loved for their mousing abilities. In your home, they will prove to be energetic and engaging each and every day. Before breed recognition, the Maine coon cat resulted from nature’s own selection methods. It was “survival of the fittest,” and that’s what built this lovable breed. Similar to Persians, the Maine coon breed may also have health issues. “certain Maine coon cats experience a predisposition to heart problems,” says shojai. That’s why it’s important to work with a reputable breeder who checks pedigrees and runs tests to ensure that every litter is as healthy as possible.

If your feline is healthy and you can ensure a safe environment, leaving a cat alone overnight should not cause big problems. Food, freshwater, and at least a couple of litter boxes are a must. But, if your cat has health issues or separation anxiety, try to find other options. Petcube play 2 will give you an opportunity to watch your cat and see how they are faring while you are away.

Cats who are always kept indoors rarely, if ever, suffer physical injuries/wounds, get fleas or develop associated flea-bite allergies. These health issues can be costly in terms of a cat’s quality of life and the cat owner’s time and money. Insurance claims for medical treatment for wounds have been identified as the most common type of illness in ….

The post Caring For House Cats appeared first on Catnip Utopia.

The post Caring For House Cats appeared first on GQ Central.



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