Acupuncture Helps People Quit Smoking For Good

Acupuncture is already well-known for assisting people in quitting smoking. This technique, which is estimated to have originated in ancient China around 3000 BC, is currently widely employed for a range of medical and therapeutic purposes. It has also been demonstrated to be useful in the treatment of drug addiction and chronic smoking.

There are currently a number of smoking cessation medications and therapies on the market. Acupuncture, on the other hand, is a recommended alternative option, especially if previous treatments have been unsuccessful. The use of needles deliberately placed throughout the body is designed to heal the condition on a deeper and emotional level. To break the physiological and psychological addiction to smoking, a more thorough therapy method is required.

Stop Smoking With Acupuncture

How Does Acupuncture Help to Break Free from Addiction?


Needles are frequently inserted behind the ear or on the ear cartilage. The soothing effect occurs here, reducing the patient’s desire for more cigarettes. People are more likely to pick up a nicotine stick when they are upset, bored, or depressed. Needles are routinely inserted into the palms and wrists to improve the flow of energy in the body. A person’s urge to unwind may lead them to consider smoking another cigarette.

Furthermore, it has been observed that this treatment can help a person manage withdrawal symptoms better. While quitting smoking, this supplemental medicine enhances pain and discomfort tolerance. Common withdrawal symptoms include nausea, palpitations, and dizziness, which can range from mild to severe. Similar conditions frequently result in a person resuming smoking habits.

Nicotine is an addictive and harmful chemical in cigarettes. Because of this chemical, most smokers find it difficult to quit. Nicotine attaches to pleasure centers in the brain, making quitting difficult. If a smoker does not have a steady supply of this substance, they will become uncomfortable and anxious.

Cigarettes, according to acupuncture patients, are no longer as enticing or rewarding as they previously were. Furthermore, smoking frequently left an unpleasant taste on their lips, forcing people to quit the habit. To get rid of the terrible aftertaste, some patients would eat mints or lozenges.

According to qualified practitioners, almost 7 out of 10 smokers will be able to successfully quit after two or three weeks. While some smokers may not be able to totally quit smoking, they will be able to significantly cut their cigarette use.

Professional Acupuncture Treatment

A patient’s consultation with a trained acupuncturist is crucial. An expert will give the patient more personalized service as well as further counseling. Herbal drugs may also be recommended by acupuncturists to help patients quit smoking.

During therapy, filiform needles are inserted in exact locations on the ear cartilage, as well as the palms and wrists. The process takes about 30 minutes on average. Body acupuncture can make use of the needles in the ear and wrist. An acupuncturist may utilize a little electric current to enhance the efficiency of the needles.

The absence of side effects both before and after treatment is the most notable quality of this ancient Oriental medicine. Acupuncture does not contain any chemically produced components, unlike smoking cessation medications or nicotine replacement therapy products. Additionally, there is no risk of weight gain throughout treatment. It can aid in the cessation of smoking while also reducing food cravings due to appetite suppression.

Acupuncture is a treatment in which needles are inserted into the skin by the practitioner. It is a sort of complementary medicine that is used to prevent and treat diseases, alleviate pain, and prepare individuals for surgery. According to studies, this tradition originated in China around 5,000 years ago.

The book Nei Jing, which translates as the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine in English, contains the first account of this. The contents of this book were composed around 200 BC. Instead of metal needles, they used stone needles, moxibustion, and herbs to heal people back then.

Acupuncture is a treatment that includes inserting very thin needles into the skin at certain anatomical places on the body in order to prevent and treat illnesses.

The core of this philosophy is the idea that illnesses arise when your life force, also known as Qi, is out of balance. This is considered to flow through the human body through 14 meridians that branch out to various physiological organs and functions. If any of them are blocked or obstructed, you will succumb to a disease or illness.

The Effectiveness Of Acupuncture

Because of Yin and Yang, Qi can become imbalanced in any direction. A person can only be normal if the two are in balance, which acupuncture attempts to achieve. Only by stimulating these acupuncture sites can you regulate, balance, and harmonize your Qi and restore it.

If you’ve tried everything else and are still unable to quit smoking, it’s time to consider acupuncture as a treatment option. If you locate the right practitioner and adopt the right mindset, there’s no reason you won’t be nicotine-free in no time.

This article is brought to you by: Frome Acupuncture Clinic

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